How Do I Update My Account Information?

From the Account page of the app or website, you can update your stored payment method, your billing address and email. You can also reset your password.


Update Billing Info

If you need to update your payment method or billing address just complete these easy steps within our app:

  1. Navigate to the Account page.
  2. Once you're there, click on "Other settings."
  3. Look for the Billing section and click on "Payment Method."
  4. A new screen will pop up, giving you the option to update your payment method and billing address.
  5. Make the necessary changes and scroll down to find the "Update" button. Give that button a satisfying click!

You'll be redirected back to the Settings page, and a confirmation will pop up, letting you know that your payment method has been successfully updated. Easy-peasy!     


Email Address: If you need to update your e-mail address, you can also do this in our app. 

  1. Open the Flexcar App. Navigate to the Account page.
  2. Once you're there, click on "Other settings."
  3. Look for the Personal Info section and select "Update Email."

If you have issues with updating your email address, reach out to Care. 


Phone number: If you need to change your mobile phone number for your Flexcar account, please contact our Care team by visiting the Contact us page or by emailing




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